リアル展示会場やその他の場所では,アプリケーション「STYLY Mobile」を用いて,好きな場所にアグネス吉井を出現させることができます.また,展覧会会期中に,リアル展示の会場にてアグネス吉井がパフォーマンスを行ないます.開催日時など詳細については,展覧会ウェブサイト(https://hyper.ntticc.or.jp/mmlw/)やICC公式サイト(https://www.ntticc.or.jp/)などでお知らせします.
Inspired by the features of various indoor and outdoor locations, Aguyoshi, a contemporary dance unit formed by SHIRAI Aisa and KEKE, has conducted site-specific performances that seemed to synchronize with the unique shapes of the space where they were performing. In this exhibition, they will become their own avatars and appear in Virtual Hatsudai and Hyper ICC. To discover them, however, you may have to take a certain action (operation).
In the real-space exhibition venues and other locations, you can use the STYLY Mobile app to make Aguyoshi appear where you want them to. During the exhibition period, Aguyoshi will give performances in the real-space exhibition venues. For performance times and other details, see the exhibition website (https://hyper.ntticc.or.jp/mmlw/) or the ICC official website (https://www.ntticc.or.jp/).
Augmented Reality Content: TANIGUCHI Akihiko