


21_21 DESIGN SIGHT企画展「デザインの解剖展:身近なものから世界を見る方法」(2016–17)展示風景

工場では,いろいろな機械きかいがさまざまな目的もくてきのためにはたら いています.こうした機械は,ふだんは機械自体をじっくり見ることはあまりありません.働いていない機械だけを見ると,これは何を作る機械だろうと思うことが多いかもしれません.この作品は,工場の機械の動きに注目して,チョコレート工場の機械が材料 ざいりょうを「まぜる」,「はこぶ」,「かた からはずす」,「すりつぶす」などの動きなどを取り出して,そのまねをしています.それらをじっくりながめてみると,思いもよらない動きの面白さ,美しさに気づくことができるでしょう.



本作品は,2016年から2017年に,21_21 DESIGN SIGHT で開催された,企画展「デザインの解剖展: 身近なものから世界を見る方法」のために制作されました.

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“Factory equipment in motion” 2016–

Installation view of the exhibition “Design Anatomy: A method for seeing the world through familiar objects” at 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT (2016–17)
Photo: ASAKAWA Satoshi

At factories, all kinds of machines work for various purposes. One normally doesn’t have much opportunity to take one’s time and observe such machines carefully. When you look at a machine that isn’t moving, you may wonder what is made with that machine. This exhibition focuses on the work of machines at factories. The works on display extract the operations of machines at a chocolate factory ¬– “mixing,” “transporting,” “removing from molds” or “grinding” ingredients – and imitate them. Take a closer look, and be surprised to see how fascinating and sometimes beautiful those movements are.

ARAMAKI Haruka creates works with a focus on structures, mechanisms, and human perception. She inspects all kinds of materials with her own hands, and identifies the different materials’ characteristics that inspire her to create objects of various shapes. Some of them move, others don’t. While it is difficult to imagine from the shapes and movements alone what those machines were made for, their operations are so elegant or intriguing that they captivate those who look at them.

For this work, the artist made moving objects inspired by the operations of production machines and other devices at a chocolate factory. It is only after being liberated from their functions (or from their labor), that machines seem to reveal the pure beauty of their movements.

This work was made for the exhibition “Design Anatomy: A method for seeing the world through familiar objects“ that was shown in 2016-17 at 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT.

ARAMAKI Haruka Profile

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