

《3つの世界せかいThreeスリー Worldsワールズ)》2018年–

わたし たちが見ているのはひとつの世界でしょうか? この作品では,道具や日用品で作られた回転するモビールの実物の世界,ラジオとモーターの関係かんけいからあらわれる電磁場でんじばの世界,ライトで らされた光とかげの世界,という3つの世界が重なり合ってできている作品です.モビールの動きによってラジオの音が聞こえ,モビールの動きと光でそのかげが変化へんか します.私たちの生きている世界はいつでも,いくつかの重なり合う世界で作られていることがわかります。


今回の作品のタイトルは,M・C・エッシャーのリトグラフ《Three Worlds》(1955)に由来し,知覚できる世界と知覚できない世界が入れ子になった3つの世界を,回転するモビールと観客がいる物理世界,推進力となるモーターとAMラジオの発振による電磁場の世界,モビールにぶらさげられた道具や日用品とライトによる光と影,の3つで描いています.それぞれの世界が影響を与えながらある種の調和が生み出されていきます.



ディスプレイにうつし出される,空をぶ鳥の動きに合わせて,小さなピアノが演奏 えんそうされます.鳥たちの動きは,まるでピアノをかなでるための楽譜がくふ のようです.自動演奏ピアノやオルゴールなどの機械じかけの音楽装置そうちは,紙にあな を開けて音のパターンを記したパンチカードを楽譜として使ってきました.パンチカードの仕組みは,古くはコンピュータのデータを記録きろく したり,また,現在げんざいまでデジタル技術ぎじゅつ の中に生かされています.さて,現在の機械じかけの鳥ともいえる飛行機ひこうきを楽譜にしたら,どんなメロディが演奏されるのでしょうか?




すずえり プロフィール


“Three Worlds” 2018

Is the world that we see only a single one? This work consists of three different, overlapping worlds: the real, physical world of a rotating mobile made from tools and commodities; the world of electromagnetic fields emerging from the connection between radios and motors; and the world of light and shadow, created by way of illumination. The motion of the mobile makes the sounds of the radio audible, while its shadows change according to that movement and the illumination. The work helps us understand how the world we live in, is always made up of layers of several different worlds.

suzueri engages in live performances and the creation of artworks in which she combines or modifies existing objects in self-built devices. Concerned about the gap between performers using tools, and the tools themselves, and the correlation with the spectators, she stages improvised musical performances, and creates installation works.

The title was borrowed from M. C. Escher’s lithograph “Three Worlds” (1955), referring to a nested structure of three worlds that are either perceptible or imperceptible. Here, they are represented by the physical world of a rotating mobile and an audience; the world of electromagnetic fields generated by the oscillation of AM radios and driving motors; and the world of light and shadow, produced by illuminating a mobile made from tools and commodities. These three worlds affect each other, while at once establishing some sort of harmony.

Photo: KIOKU Keizo

“For the Birds / Bird’s Notation” 2022

A small piano is played to a video of birds flying in the sky, which is shown on a display. The birds’ movements almost seem like a visual musical score for a piano concert. Mechanical musical devices, such as automatic pianos or musical boxes, operate based on musical scores in the form of punch cards—sound patterns punched into slips of paper. The mechanism of the punch card once used to be applied for recording computer data, and it is still utilized in today’s digital technologies. If you think of an airplane as a present-day mechanical bird, can you imagine what kind of melody it would compose?

MIDI sequencers, which are frequently used in today’s music software, were originally based on the mechanism of the punch card that has been applied in player pianos or musical boxes.

The mechanism of the musical box, where each hole in a punch card that is fed in from the side, corresponds to one sound, was translated into a “Jacquard loom” in the times of the Industrial Revolution, or into the “Analytical Engine” mechanical general-purpose computer. Today, it is applied in the “Frequency-hopping spread spectrum” that wireless LAN works with.

This work is a player piano into which a punch card is fed from the side, whereas each hole is represented by one of the flying birds, and one note played on the little piano. Now think of a flying airplane, and imagine what kind of melody it would possibly compose.

suzueri Profile

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