

《Painting Folding 2.0》2022年

《Painting Folding——これと合致する身体を構想せよ》2020(参考図版)

この作品は,「織物絵画」シリーズと,「タンパク質フォールディング(折り畳み)」と呼ばれる,タンパク質が安定的に存在可能な三次元構造に自発的に折り畳まれるプロセスとのあいだに構造発展過程の観点から類似性を見出したことから制作がはじまりました.2018年,GoogleのDeepMindによって開発された,AIの機械学習を利用して,タンパク質の形状をアミノ酸の配列情報から高精度で予測できるソフトウェアAlphaFoldが発表されました.自己組織化するプロセスやパターンを絵画やドローイングを通して表現してきた村山は,2020年に発表した《Painting Folding》シリーズをさらに発展させ,「織物絵画」の三次元情報からアミノ酸配列を算出し,その情報を再度AlphaFoldに予測計算させ,人間の手による「織物絵画」からミクロな自然に存在しうるタンパク質構造を新しくデザインすることを試みます.


村山悟郎 プロフィール


“Painting Folding 2.0” 2022

“Painting Folding: Conceive a Body That Is in Accordance with This” 2020 (reference)

Organically spiral-shaped belts of fabric interwoven with hemp strings, form a three-dimensionally branched structure that is suspended from the exhibition space’s ceiling. The surface of this structure is coated with primer, onto which abstract patterns are painted with certain regularity. MURAYAMA calls this “woven painting.” While at once producing the fabric that serves as support medium, the artist lets his paintings come together in an autopoietic fashion from the structure itself, and the images drawn on it.
The creation of this work started from the discovery of similarities regarding the structural development of the “woven paintings” and the “protein folding” process by which protein chains are voluntarily folded into sustainable three-dimensional structures. In 2018, the AlphaFold software was unveiled, which can be used for precisely predicting the shapes of proteins from amino acid sequences based on AI machine learning developed by Google/DeepMind. Having been visualizing the processes and patterns of self-organization through paintings and drawings, MURAYAMA further developed the “Painting Folding” series that he had unveiled in 2020. For “Painting Folding 2.0,” he calculated Amino acid sequences from 3-D data of his own woven paintings, which he then fed into the AlphaFold software for predictive calculations, to ultimately design new protein structures that may exist naturally on a microscopic scale, based on paintings made by human hands. This exhibition showcases the process of metamorphosing artificially produced structures into protein structures that can theoretically exist in nature through AI, and then outputting the results with a 3-D printer.

Production support: MORIWAKI Yoshitaka (Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the Univesity of Tokyo)

MURAYAMA Goro Profile

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